Saturday, 28 May 2016

Week 6 - In which we meet a stranger and get on his boat!

19:16 Posted by Kangaroobound No comments
Day 35 A little bit of backtracking: While we were in Sydney in December, we found an ad from a gentleman who owns a boating company in Cairns.  He does half of his year offering tours up there, and the other half down in Sydney.  He needed someone to come help him sail from Cairns...

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Week 5 - Agnus Waters to Rainbow Beach

02:25 Posted by Kangaroobound No comments
Day 28 We woke up incredibly early this morning, heading into the town of Agnus Waters at around 6 am to sign ourselves up for some early morning surfing.  Agnus Waters is renowned for it’s beginner surfing, with several local stores offering incredibly cheap lessons.  We went with a company offering $17 surfing lessons, which seemed like an incredible deal considering you get 3 hours...

Review - Cruise Whitsundays Outer Reef Trip

02:22 Posted by Kangaroobound No comments
For any fellow travellers trying to decide what trips to do in the Whitsundays, I thought I would share my experience on the Cruise Whitsundays Outer Reef trip. Feel free to comment if you enjoyed/hated the trip! Enjoy! The day started with an early morning check-in onto a large catamaran.  The reef gets farther away from the coast the further south you travel, so we had roughly a 3 hour...

Week 4 - Airlie Beach to Rockhampton

02:10 Posted by Kangaroobound No comments
Day 21 Our last day sailing, we started the day snorkelling a massive soft coral field with a cute little green turtle.  From there, we slowly headed back to Airlie while admiring the incredible views of various Whitsunday Islands.  It really was an amazing trip, and such a joyful group of people to experience this with. Back on dry land, we were utterly exhausted.  The late...

Monday, 9 May 2016

Week 3: Magnetic Island - Airlie Beach

06:04 Posted by Kangaroobound No comments
**My apologies, but I don't currently have sufficient wifi to upload pictures! Will put them up ASAP.  Check back soon! Day 15 I wish I could start this week off with some incredible story of grandiose adventure, but in reality we had finally succumbed to the beast that is Magnetic Island. On the 7th (technically 15th) day, we rested. And we rested hard. We’re talking naps in the hammock,...

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Top 7 free things to do in Cairns

23:30 Posted by Kangaroobound No comments
Way up in the far reaches of North Queensland, there lies a tiny slice of paradise named Cairns, surrounded by lush, tropical forest and stunning reef.  We spent almost two months living in Cairns, and after we left I immediately wanted to go back.  Yeah, it's that good! Cairns...

Monday, 2 May 2016

Week 2 - Mission Beach to Magnetic Island

04:41 Posted by Kangaroobound No comments
Day 8 Scratch what I said about a lovely spot: I woke up early this morning to the blaring of truck horns. Note to self: don’t camp by highways. We drove towards mission beach, stopping along the way to see the sights.  We were told that Cape Tribulation was this amazing place where “Rainforest...